Webhosting.dk, altid billige domæner og webhoteller
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All fields marked with * has to be filled out. For password and account name, only

a-z, A-Z 0-9 @ . - (characters a til z, 0 to 9, @, . and - can be used, lower or upper case)

If you're registering .DK domain names, the registrar handle can be filled out with your exising handle. If not entered, a new handle will be generated when the first order is made.

Fields marked with * has to be filled out

* Account name (Use only characters a-z, 0-9 and no spacges):
* Account password: (use only characters a-z,A-Z or 0-9 and no spaces):
* Contact person

If you're a company, please enter company details

* Company name:
* Company registration number:
* If your company has an EAN:
* If your company has an EAN extra field:

Fields with * must be entered.

* Address field 1:
Address field 2:
* Post code/ZIP code:
* Town/city:
* Country:
* Telephone number (If it is mobile number also enter number below):
Mobile number:
* Customer type:
* Invoice currency:
* Contact e-mail address (look further down for alternate e-mail):
* Repeat contact e-mail address:
By creating an account I accept the terms and conditions. Click to accept ---------->

Other information (not required)

Other contact e-mail address:
Registrant e-mail address (Domains are registered with this address):
Phone number (Domains are registered with this phone number):
Punktum DK registrar handle (if you already have one):
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