Webhosting.dk, altid billige domæner og webhoteller
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Prices for mail and web hosting

Product Domain Mail hosting PHP Basic PHP Medium PHP Pro
FREE DNS manager
FREE domain hosting
301 forwards
Instant upgrade
Fetch mail with smartphone, tablet and PC  -
Upgrade to SSL certificate  -  -
CPU  -  -100% (1 CPU)400% (4 CPU)800% (8 CPU)
24/7 FTP access  -  -
Daily MySQL backup (with backupmaster)  -  -
Spamfilter  -AddonAddonAddon
E-mail addresses  -50205050
Maximum space per mailbox  -64Gb6Gb16Gb64Gb
Mail boxes (IMAP/POP3)  -10101010
E-mail space  -30 GB10 GB30 GB60 GB
Web space  -  -5 Gb10 GB40 GB
PHP versions (one of each)  -  -5.6 ---> 8.35.6 ---> 8.35.6 ---> 8.3
PHP memory limit  -  -512 Mb1024M2048M
MySQL/MariaDB versions  -  -4.1 to 8.0/10.34.1 to 8.0/10.34.1 to 8.0/10.3
MySQL/MariaDB databases  -  -2510
MySQL space (for each)  -  -1000 Mb1500 Mb2000 Mb
1 click install  -  -Yes! WordPressYes! WordPressYes! WordPress
Monthly traffic  -  -50 GB250 GB1000 GB
Backupmaster backup system  -
Order Order Order Order Order

Per month (with VAT)2.60/month (31.24/year) 4.58/month (54.97/year) 7.39/month (88.73/year)11.46/month (137.47/year)

All prices are quoted in EUR and is the monthly price. Price does not include domain name or any setup fees.